Friday, December 21, 2007


I was sitting on my couch reading a celeb magazine, looking at glow of my Christmas tree, and then I saw it. A mouse. I can't tell you how much I am afraid of them. Los thinks I'm crazy, like they are carrying machetties or something. I say they carry disease and poop in your cereal.
I saw one a few months ago and I freaked out. I couldnt sleep. I got up went to work, i was dreading going home. After I finally went into the house, i realized I couldn't stay, so i quick packed a bag and went to my parent's house. They too, thought i was crazy. So I called an exterminator. They were very nice. They calmed me down and offered me a 1 year contract...I got the contract. They come out once a quarter and check the traps. I haven't seen a mouse in a while and i was finally comfortable opening cabinets, closets, drawers, etc. I just got my bill for the next appt. I was a little late paying and kinda lazy about making the appt., but i finally did. They came on a Friday and basically found nothing, no droppings, no dead ones-nothing. Then I saw one on Monday. Ewww! It went into my living room closet. I screamed and called Los, he looked and looked but didnt find it. I was freaked out, but not as bad this time, just because there are traps in my house and hopefully it will run into one.
So Tuesday I was ready for a mousercism. I got into work and ordered a plug in thing with the supersonic sounds that bothers their nervous system, but i have to wait for that. I also brought home peppermint oil. They don't like the smell. So I put some water on the stove with some peppermint oil and let it boil for a few hours, then filled up bowls and bud vases with the oil and strategically placed them around the house (they look much nicer than traps). I made a solution of the oil and water and sprayed all over the outside of my house, twice. So now, my house smells like an Altoid. It's now Friday and my supersonic plug in thing should arrive today. All I can say is Buh-bye! I will let you know how it goes.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Family Feud

So TV has been pretty bad these days, but thankfully, the Family Feud is on from 9-10. I love it. The Host is John O'Hurley aka J. Peterman from Seinfeld. I watched him on Dancing with the Stars and loved him so much I had to go see him in "Chicago" on Broadway. He was great.
Of course you can never forget the best host ever, Richard Dawson. Hilarious and so un-p.c. I'm surprised he wasnt smoking a cigarette, but atleast he could smoke and drink on The Match Game. So anyway - here were a few question/answers Los and I saw last night and had tears rolling down our faces!

1. The longest time you have watched TV - 10 mins.
2. Name something you would find in a operating room - A phone.
3. Name a special event when the family gets together for a photo - Photography
And the best one of all last night was.......
4. Name a book you use as a reference often - Dr. Spock

C'mon, does a Dr. Spock book actually exist? The other person said dictionary. Why would Dr. Spock be the first thing that comes out of your mouth? So, screw the library and internet....I'm just going to use my Dr. Spock book as a reference guide.

Any funny answers from the Family Feud you can remember?

Thursday, December 13, 2007


Well, My husband and i just went to the Mac Dade Mall to see Mark Wahlberg filming the Lovely Bones, but it was cold and we didn't see him, so we left. Nothing too exciting. The movie
sounds pretty sad. I'm also just testing to see how this whole blog thing works.